Hyderabad: Telangana’s Minister for Backward Classes Welfare, Poonam Prabhakar, expressed confidence in the Congress party’s triumph in all Lok Sabha seats in the state. He asserted that the Congress is poised to form the national government, emphasizing the commitment to fulfilling promises made during the bifurcation and implementing various schemes in Telangana.
Minister Prabhakar urged the public to support the Congress in securing success across the 17 Lok Sabha seats. He highlighted the party’s pledge, made by leader Rahul Gandhi, to conduct a census of OBC castes in the state, which is set to take place in the upcoming days. The minister mentioned ongoing consultations with BC section officials, seeking suggestions from professors, intellectuals, and BC associations to ensure a comprehensive approach.
In addressing the media, Minister Poonam Prabhakar revealed that the government has allocated necessary funds for the OBC caste census. He assured that the legality of the census would be deliberated in the upcoming assembly session, with a commitment to overcoming any potential challenges. The initiative, aimed at securing the rightful representation of weaker sections, is deemed beneficial for municipal elections as well.